Friday, March 1, 2013

Friday Follow Up

I had a great week.  I was making good choices and passing up things like chocolate cake, chocolate chip cookies, and orange scones.  So when I weighed in and gained over a pound, I was shocked.  I so didn't expect that.  I've been going over the week and I cannot figure out where I went wrong.  If I had stayed the same, I would be less discouraged than I am now.  

I thought about drowning my discouragement in a couple of chocolate frosted donuts, but that would require putting on make-up and leaving the house.  I wasn't up to that, so as I ate my apple and vanilla yogurt, I came to the conclusion that now is the time to add exercise.  Heavy sigh.  

We decided to go out to dinner and I still wanted to drown my sorrows in something bad.  A cheeseburger and fries was really appealing.  As much as I wanted that, I knew that it wasn't only bad for me but it would send my blood sugar through the roof.  We ended up deciding on seafood.  I had hushpuppies, lightly breaded rockfish and a salad.  Still not the best for me but certainly not the worst.  And I came home feeling good that I compromised and didn't give in to a binge.

I will continue this new week making healthy choices, adding exercise and see what happens.

Have a great weekend!

xo Annette xo


Meeling said...

Frustrating when we are surprised by the "scale", but yay for not giving in to your food cravings!! That's a great step in the right direction. :-)

Additionsstyle said...

Start slow with your exercise, it will be hard at first but it will get easier over time. I hope you have a great week!
Everyday Inspired

Claire said...

don't worry, annette, it often hsppens, esp. after you lost several pounds last time :) keep making healthy choices and don't be hard on yourself - weight loss is a long, erratic, frustrating journey, but you're not on your own! i wanted to send an email, but the link on your profile doesn't work... here's mine if you ever want to send a note :) x